Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I feel as if I have walked 10 miles.

Not walking today at least this morning. I slept awful and my whole body aches. It's kinda crummy out this morning also so I've made the executive decision to just stay home for now. I'm actually laying in bed still. My eyes are heavy and I admire the idea of going back to bed. My husband is sleeping still next to me..snoring at a low tone. My window is open and the fresh air is coming threw. It's 9:30am and I'm happy it's a new day. I love fresh starts. I always tell myself now " no matter how crappy the last day was tomorrow is always a new day".

It is cold. Feels as if it rained. Someone is collecting cans from the recycling bins. 5 cents adds up! My allergies are in full force-joy.
I love the sound of the birds. Chirping and carrying on happily.
I love mornings.
I could live in the morning every single day. I just can't get enough.

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