Friday, June 29, 2012

Caffined,Busy bug

I have been really busy since my husmabiest went on his family vacation (with his mom and bro) to go see there family in AZ,CA,NV and then back home to Oregon. He left on Monday and I thought i'd be just fine (i've been saying that a lot) with him going and leaving me for 8 days and the first day was hard. Second day got a little easier and now that is the 4th day i'm fine but really missing him-no tears though-.
I have been cleaning our home like a mad woman,making sure everything is in order, staying on top of putting my clothes away in the closet instead of leaving them in folded heaps on his side of the bed. Putting my shoes away in there cubby holes and keeping up on vaccuming and sweeping-which is his normal chore.
I have been drinking probably far to much coffee and not enough water. I have been staying up later and later every night. Last night I was up until 11;30Pm which is not my normal and I woke up a little groggy today but,not has bad as yesterday. Thanks to Unisom sleep melts i've been sleeeping threw the night-I have insomnia pretty bad.
Yesterday I had fried chicken-my comfort food- I had purchased a 6pc from Albertsons on Wednesday and had chicken for lunch yesterday and for dinner.

Today i'm back on the diet after being off of it for 3 days! 

Large salad-because I can
Chicken that  I baked in Kona Island Pinapple Teriyaki sauce (num!) 
6 mini sweet peppers-to munch on-crunchy,sweet and healthy!
Fresh cut pinapple (that I kept telling hubby i'd cut before he left and never did,  I think it was at the peak of ripeness when I cut it open the other day ;-) 
WATER WATER WATER... lots of it!

Forewarning, its really hard to stay on this diet when you "bored" 

I'm not sure what i'm making for dinner tonight. I was thinking of making stir fry chicken with my sweet peppers and a little teriyaki sauce? sounds good huh? 
Well, i'm off to work........... ta ta

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