This chubby girl pulled herself out of bed with those invisible strings that a puppet master pulls ya know?
Put my walking clothes on, stuffed my headphones in my ears and ran (more like walked) down the stairs to the world of Pandora,watching cars and walking like no other.
I went further this morning. I walked approx 2 1/2 miles this morning. I only jogged for a short moment because im forming an epic blister on the right heel that was getting pretty sore.
As I walked past one of our Colleges out here a creeper was walking towards me. With earbuds in but not turned on that high..I could hear he was trying to talk to me. I kept walking. Acting like I couldn't hear him. I turned the corner down a neighborhood to get away from him. He got the idea and crossed the street to the other sidewalk. I got me phone out of my bra and acted like I was calling someone. He turned the corner and then disappeared into a parking lot. Yeah, maybe he didn't have bad intentions but,when your a female and walking alone. You need to watch for other things than just cars. At every road entry or street entry I come to I always, always check behind me to make sure there isn't a car coming at me. Normally I would walk towards traffic so I wouldn't feel so scared but, I went a different route this AM and had to be going with traffic.
Anyhoot... What do you listen to when you exercise? I listen to one of my MANY stations on Pandora..It has been on Britany Spears for a few days now and I plan on leaving it on that station. Britany may be loca but,her songs have good beats and tend to get me moving faster and I feel better about what i'm doing for myself.
It doesn't matter what other people think but, we all have those moments.
The one jog I did this morning my butt was jiggling so bad I just stopped. I should get some control shorts to go under my cropped sweatpants. (Who invented those sweatpants anyways??? I mean really?! Cropped?)
Whenever your out on a walk or exercising of any sorts no matter where..make sure you are comfortable because there is nothing worse than not being comfortable.
Yesterday was another small food battle I LOVE to cook and bake. Luckily, my husband is healthy and doesn't need to worry about being thin so, when I bake..he takes it for "the team" I made Orange Monkey Bread from scratch.. I had a couple pieces. I could have eaten the whole thing and then felt so sick afterwards but, I wanted a little sweet. moderation is key to weight loss and not depriving yourself of everything nummy.
I love fruit. I was raised nearly vegan (my mothers doings) and I love vegetables! so, this life change is not as hard as it sounds..
Strawberry protein shake.
6-fresh strawberries-washed of course!!! (very important!)
200 ml (less than 1 cup roughly 3/4) of Ultra Soy Vanilla milk
1/4 cup of Grape Nuts cereal.
I added the cereal because I wanted texture and a different flavor as I have NO added sugar in this recipe.
It is pretty darn good. I suggest you try it!
I enjoy listening to music,walking and being in my own world.
I had things I wanted to write on this blog today and now it slips my mind a little.
What is my weightloss plan and goals?
well easy.. There is an App for that!
MyFitnessPal is pretty awesome. you track your calories and basically anything you put in your mouth and how much water you drink.
You weight in when you feel like it and eventually after a few days of writting everything down that you just keep on check in to the app to see how many calories you consume.
My goal is to be at 190 lbs.
why 190?
Because I was so comfortable at that weight and I felt so good in my skin. I wore a size 13 and had a little belly that I didn't mind. I had a boyfriend that liked to go out to eat. Food is around us everywhere. We love food! The world LOVES food. It is the absolute ONE THING everyone on this planet has in common. We have to eat to survive.
I try my best to eat whole foods. Clean foods and no processed junk.
Keep on working at comes of slow and steady if you KEEP ON TRACK
I have lost 6lbs now. I wont see any change until probably the 15th pound but,that's okay this will all be worth each and every droplet of sweat, ever inch of tingeling skin, every person that probably thought "look at that chubby chick run as her boobs are flapping in her face but damn..look at her go" will be all WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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