Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No longer a Diet

Because couting and doing all the things that i've done for the past few months-or TRYING- to do..does not work out!
1. Its exspeinsive to be on a no sugar, no carb diet-I just can't afford it
2. I'd rather watch what I eat than "count"
3. I am so busy sometimes its difficult to pack a lunch and be ahead of the game
4. I really don't eat a whole lot of garbage
5. Portion control,self control own this "diet"..
so, 90 days is up and I am no longer on a "Diet".....
we will see what happens
I'm down 20 lbs ..I dont know where but, that is okay.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Down 20lbs

-Stress (oh boy!)
-Eating less
-Eating healtheir
-Walking more
-Staying active while at home
-Drinking less sugary things-excluding home brewed coffee and to go mochas
-Sleeping less-that will do it to you

its taken me almost 3 months to get to this after the first month I had to stop because of possible mercury poisioning

I dont know where the fat has came from-could be combined water weight usually the first few pounds is.
My pants all fit better than they did 3 months ago..
I would say 20lbs isn't much but, it is when you don't visit a gym- why? because I can't afford it-every penny counts and i'd rather motivate myself outside of a confined space with others. I was with Baleys for about 6 months then they closed down-got bought out- and I hadn't gone to the buy out company- LA Fitness-because I do not like them for many reasons-personal and what has happened to friends., i'll just keep doing what i'm doing and feel good about myself.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Oh boy

..I thought I was going to be in bed by now... too hot to sleep!
I thought id chime in on a blog. I haven't blogged for a bit i've been pretty busy dealing with a family crisis.
So, i'm down 18lbs since May ..slowly coming off..Why?
Because I had to stop eating what I was eating because I had broke out into a bad rash and I had no idea where it was coming from. Later on I found out it was the fish I was consuming.
I have lost 5 lbs in the past couple days why? not eating enough..eating like a bird actually..not because that is what i'm trying to do but because that is what is going on.
My diet lately...
Water with lemon again
Ice tea with stevia-pomagranet lemon
Chicken breasts mostly baked. Tonight I had cold chicken breast with bbq sauce because its too hot to heat it up.
Turkey sandwhich-on a cruissant ..yumm..not so healthy but whatever

and that has really been it for nearly a week now.
Tonight I did have a single serve choc. ice cream because I had cravings and 5 mini corn dog things..that made me feel like crap after consuming them with mustard and katchup
My husband is out of town for nearly two weeks...I have a feeling more weight will be shedding not only because of stress but because its HOT HOT HOT here in Oregon!!!!!!!!
...........hope all are in good health and spirits!